Guides & Insight — fluid balance
Calculating Sweat Rates
Why Calculate Sweat rates? Sweat rates are highly variable between athletes and can also vary for any given individual (due to changes in conditions, such as ambient temperature and humidity). As a result it is impossible to predict the exact amount of fluid to replace during exercise. However the following method will give you reasonably accurate data to then adopt a hydration plan that’s tailored to your body’s specific needs! What Equipment Will I Need? Accurate weighing scales A dry towel What Are The Steps? Immediately before your exercise session weigh yourself naked (A). Complete your session (keep a note...
Let's start with thermoregulation As humans we thermoregulate, this means our bodies are continually working to keep our core temperate within strict bounds. As many of you may know, the body’s resting core temperate is 37°C. During exercise we often see a rise in the body’s core temperature to between 38-40°C. How is the body able to lose heat during exercise? Radiation - Electromagnetic heat waves emitted. Convection - Heat loss through movement of air and water. Conduction - Transfer of heat between molecules. Evaporation - Evaporation of sweat. (Major method of heat loss). The majority of heat being...